Rabu, 03 Juli 2019

Sumowono Bamboo Garden

Sumowono Bamboo Garden
Greet the Beauty of Nature & Gratitude to the Creator

             Every beautiful string of words cannot let go of admiration for the beautiful panorama of the archipelago.

             One of the earth that thrives on the beautiful panorama is the slope of Mount ungaran. precisely in Trayu Sumowono village which is known for its cool and peaceful air.

             From the slope area that extends to this vast greenness, the panorama of Mount Ungaran is clearly exposed, looks blue adorned with white mist that so gracefully preserves the beauty of nature, as an embodiment of the architectural splendor of the Creator.

            Sumowono is a gift of a beautiful place, on the site of the cool Ungaran mountain slope. From the site of the mountainside area Ungaran, there is a zone of plantation area, which is designed as a cluster of tourist parks, with architectural bamboo nuances equipped with contemplation spaces in the form of artistic Gazebo- bamboo gazebo, and bamboo galleries to display various types of craft art that are laden with bamboo trees .

            Amid the plantation areas which are laboratories of various species of bamboo, this site seems to be a * unique and rare * _, becoming a venue that presents a natural aura of creativity from the type of bamboo. And presents an * "art space" * exotic natulal style.

             Sumowono Bamboo Garden is a contemplation room designed by Ir. Rainanto Chandra and Team Work Art of natural beauty, as a form of gratitude that can be blended with the beauty of nature, which is presented on the site of the Trayu Sumowono village, a place to interact and cultivate creativity towards the bamboo world, bamboo plants now, it has become his spirit in living life with love, bamboo has become an inseparable part of life.

_ * BAMBU & Spirit of Creativity * _

                Historical records about the world of bamboo are very long to be described in this limited space. but the history of bamboo as a creative medium is certainly very old, at the same time the human civilization began in the early centuries.

               In the world, especially in Asia, bamboo has been used as a function of human needs, both as an architectural home building and other functional tools, as well as beautiful forms of decoration and crafts. Bamboo or reed can be musical instruments, such as calung, angklung, flutes etc.

              The story of bamboo is also a myth in certain countries. It has become a legend because of its multipurpose nature. As a habitat of various types, bamboo is a species of herbaceous plant species, with hollow stems growing in various parts of the world. Bamboo is also the most growing plant in the world among other plants.

              As a character and shape, the charm of bamboo has lured creative people for a long time to become various works of creativity. From here, the figure of Ir Ricyanto Chandra is present flowing his days wrestling creativity with various types of bamboo, as if bamboo plants are part of his life.

_ * The Inspirator's Travel * _

            This bamboo landscaping is long enough. after spending a long time in a career in civil engineering working for a contracting company. finally Ir Ricyanto Chandra was interested in the charm of bamboo media.
            At first it was produced into furniture and other functional tools. and from the company he worked on then continued gardening, cultivating bamboo species, in the area of ​​his vast land designed to be a tourist attraction and an attractive bamboo handycraft gallery.

             From here Ir.Ricyanto Chandra feels that finding the spirit of his life is more meaningful. Through the offer * "_ he embodies gratitude to the Creator, who has presented a beautiful, diverse flora and horticulture, which thrives on Sumowono. Ungaran mountainside site.

             His gratitude is always realized by caring for and planting various types of bamboo in his garden area, arranging it with a beautiful and natural architectural style, collecting craft works for galleries and art shops that become part of the representation of the beautiful and attractive Bamboo garden.
_ * Greetings of peace and coolness of my nature * _

Sumowono 2019

_ * Mahmoud Elqadrie * _
_ * Art Observer *

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